At various intervals-workshops, meetings and social gathering- conversations among emerging leaders focused on the same topics: mentorship, specifically designed leadership addressing unique challenges for black leaders, and exposure to opportunities.
Individual Membership for employees
Exclusive online content (under construction)
Invitation to Signature events
Rights to first refusal on event sponsorship
opportunism -
Company diversity and inclusion communication
strategy support -
Prominent logo placement on AALA website
Regination at programs and events
($125 Annual)
Membership privileges for 2 individuals
Discounts on events
Members only program and networking events
Exclusive online content (under construction)
Workshops and training
Invitation to Signature events
Prominent logo placement on AALA website
Discounts provided especially for members by
partners -
Free yearly subscription to Qtr. Magazine
($65 ANNUAL)
Discounts on events
Members only programs and networking events
Exclusive online content (under construction)
Workshops and training
Discounts provided especially for members by
partners -
Free yearly subscription to Qtr. Magazine

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill